Evaluation rhymes with innovation: a challenge to meet with a European outlook

“Erasmus+”programmas KA122- SCH Īstermiņa mobilitātes projekts skolēniem un personālam

Projekta nosaukums: “Evaluation rhymes with innovation: a challenge to meet with a European outlook”

Projekta līguma numurs: 2023-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000139226

Projekta ilgums: 01.09.2023. – 31.08.2024.

Projekta koordinators: LICEO CAMILLO GOLGI, Breno (Italy)  http://www.liceogolgi.it/

Projekta partneri – uzņemošās organizācijas:

  1. Jāņa Eglīša Preiļu Valsts ģimnāzija, Preiļi (Latvia) http://www.pvg.edu.lv/ 
  1. Educación Secundaria Pedro Cerrada, UTEBO (Spain) http://www.iespedrocerrada.org/ 
  1. Staatliche Fach-und Berufsoberschule Erlangen, Erlangen (Germany) http://www.fosbos-erlangen.de/ 
  1. Mary Immaculate Secondary School, Lisdoonvarna (Ireland) http://www.maryimmaculate.ie/ 
  1. LYCEE POLYVALENT THERESE PLANIOL, Loches (France) https://lyceeplaniol.fr/ 
  1. EBB Europass Berlin Beratungsbüro GmbH, Berlin (Germany) http://www.europassberlin.com/ 
  1. Europass Teacher Academy Finland, Helsinki (Finland)
  1. Erasmus Learning Academy SL, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) https://www.erasmustrainingcourses.com/


Projektu JEPVĢ koordinē skolotāja Anna Verza

Projekta aktivitātes